清华艺术学报 |
日治末期住宅庭园平面规划之研究-以《台湾并南方向小住宅悬赏图面集》为分析对象 |
第一作者 |
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies |
Digital Twins of Pet Robots to Prolong Interdependent Relationships and Effects on Student Learning Performance |
第二作者 |
2024/06 |
International Journal of Social Sciences and Artistic Innovations |
Examination of Operational Strategy of International Tourist Hotels |
第一作者 |
2024/06 |
中国地方自治 |
疫情下澎湖观光产业复甦的可能途径与作为 |
第一作者 |
2023/05 |
Computers & Education |
Robots in situated learning classrooms with immediate feedback mechanisms to improve students’ learning performance |
第二作者 |
2022/06 |
东京农业大学农学集报 |
日本统治时代(1895~1945)の台北に造営された日本人住宅・宿舎にみる庭园の配置と构成 |
第三作者 |
2020/09 |
Educational Technology & Society |
Self-Observation Model Employing an Instinctive Interface for Classroom Active Learning. |
第四(以上)作者 |
2014/07 |
黎明学报 |
利用面包表面色泽与数值模拟评估对流烘箱之二维温度场分析 |
第三作者 |
2013/07 |
生活学论丛(Journal of Lifology) |
The Life History on the Space and Events of ex Governor Garden in Taiwan(Taipei Guest House Garden, Office of the President in Taiwan) |
第一作者 |
2011/09 |