
研討會名稱 舉行地點 論文名稱 作者順序 起迄日期
The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Social Sciences and Intelligence Management 中華民國台中市霧峰區 An Investigation into Workplace Stress Encountered by Hospitality and Tourism Students During Off-Campus Internships 第一作者 2023.12.15 ~ 2023.12.17
The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Social Sciences and Intelligence Management 中華民國台中市霧峰區 An Examination of Operational Strategies by International Tourism Hotel Professionals 第一作者 2023.12.15 ~ 2023.12.17
ICCE(International Conference on Computers in Education)2023 日本日本島根縣松江市 Exploring the Impact of Designing a Robot as a Pet with Interdependence Theory on Long-Term Relationships and Learning Performance 第二作者 2023.12.04 ~ 2023.12.08
ICCE(International Conference on Computers in Education)2023 日本日本島根縣松江市 Creating Meaningful Connections: The Role of Simultaneous Multi-Situational Learning in Knowledge Contextualization and Application 第二作者 2023.12.04 ~ 2023.12.08
ICCE(International Conference on Computers in Education)2023 日本日本島根縣松江市 Advancing Education through Stakeholder Engagement: An Evaluation of the Learning Butler Chatbot's Impact on Instructors, and Learners 第二作者 2023.12.04 ~ 2023.12.08
2023第十一屆海峽兩岸旅遊觀光研討會 大陸地區北京 以IPA探討旅客對民宿服務品質重要性與滿意度之分析 第一作者 2023.08.30 ~ 2023.08.31
2023第十一屆海峽兩岸旅遊觀光研討會 大陸地區北京 樂齡族從事休閒活動、休閒效益與幸福感關係之研究 第二作者 2023.08.30 ~ 2023.08.31
ICALT 2023: The 23rd IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies 美國猶他州奧勒姆 Embodied learning through drama-based situatedness using immersive technology in the classroom 第四(以上)作者 2023.07.10 ~ 2023.07.14
ICALT 2023: The 23rd IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies 美國猶他州奧勒姆 A Pet-Like Model for Educational Robots: Using Interdependence Theory to Enhance Learning and Sustain Long-Term Relationships 第二作者 2023.07.10 ~ 2023.07.14
2023全球華人計算機教育應用大會(Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education,GCCCE 2023) 大陸地區北京市海淀區 基於行動形塑思維原則設計的情境學習系統用於增進學習成效 第三作者 2023.05.27 ~ 2023.05.31